Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sit Spot Journal - Day 7

Sit Time: 1:30-1:50 p.m.

This was a very birdy sit. The woods were full of birds. I couldn't look anywhere without seeing a bird or five.

Cardinals, carolina wrens and juncos were all singing as though it is spring, even though the day was overcast and chilly.

Although this was a fun sit, and even though I see a lot more during the daylight sits, I find I enjoy these mid-day sits less than I do the early evening sits. Sitting is relaxing, but when I sit in the middle of the day, when I still have a lot of activities ahead of me, I lose that relaxed feeling before the day ends.

In the evenings, I see less but enjoy the sits more and can move into calmer evening activities more easily.

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